Clowns at the Shit-Show

Today’s GOP

creates farce out of folly

under the sway

of the Orange Svengali

Awake to the woke

in love with sedition

blind to the broke

with no sense of contrition

a party of grievance

feckless and loud

swearing allegiance

to the vain and the proud

Gaetz in the Doorway

he covets that gavel

winking at young girls

as Kevin unravels

A chamber of stooges

a congress of cowards

Mitt-less and witless

like Moe and Shemp Howard

No mouths were gaping

at Beetlejuice Bimbo

hand jobs and vaping

through a national window

Gym Jordan’s a fool

like we’ve never seen

until we lay eyes

on one Majorie Greene

Then there’s the likes

of Tuberville Tommy

fucks with Core

like a one-man tsunami

In today’s GOP

there’s never too far

they’re crossing the line

to lower the bar